A man named Kevin Blandford posted an image gallery titled 'Won a trip to Puerto Rico and couldn't take my wife. Didn't have a single second of fun'. He also posted it on Reddit (username: WidgetDude), where it got more than 2,500 comments.
J. Walter Thompson saw an opportunity for its client, Puerto Rico Tourism Company, and invited the man to re-do his vacation, this time with his wife and infant daughter. The man visited the same spots and took new pictures, resulting in a second image post, 'Won another trip to Puerto Rico, but this time with my wife. Had many seconds of fun', and a second Reddit post.
Said Jaime Rosado, chief creative officer for Puerto Rico and Latin America at J. Walter Thompson, "Today brands must be constantly listening to the conversations online, in the social channels, and find creative and relevant ways to engage with their audience. The biggest challenge is the speed of response, the speed of action, because you have to create and execute the idea while the conversation outside is still ongoing."