The new direction revolves around the idea of ‘eduction for life’. Through television, print, and digital efforts, the campaign is aiming to increase the brand presence for the beginning of the school year.
red | Brand Buildres noted that the middle class in Vietnam is growing rapidly and are willing to spend more on tuition to ensure a better future for their children. English will give a competitive edge to students in the long run.
The agency also works with SABMiller in Vietnam.
Project ILA Yes I Can
Client ILA English Language School Vietnam
Creative agency red | Brand Builders
Creative director Rick Reid
Copywriter Rick Reid, Dao Phan
Art director Rick Reid
Planner Marc Gough
Media agency Infinite Media
Media planner Van Mai
Production company StarFilm
Film director Darren Ashton
Director of photography Mark Lapwood
Editor Manh
Exposure Television, print