The appointment came after a pitch last quarter, which involved several other undisclosed agencies.
The 12-month contract takes effect this month, and tasks the agency with raising brand awareness for HTC in Singapore.
The incumbent is believed to be The Right Spin.
According to Shane Chiang, HTC's head of corporate and consumer PR for South Asia, the decision was a tough one as the pitch was highly competitive.
Mylinh Cheung, CEO and founder of Epic Public Relations, said the agency will work toward increasing HTC’s brand and corporate reputation.
She noted that the biggest challenge from the brief is to win the minds and hearts of the media and consumers to make the change.
“[It is] to persuade target audience to not only consider HTC, but to make the conversion to HTC,” she added. “The client recognised that we have what it takes to push through the crowded smartphone marketplace, and to tell the HTC story.”
The agency has started work on the account and will be implementing media-relations campaigns and arranging for product reviews, placing emphasis on product design.