A Book engaged BBDO Bangkok to promote reading and buying books. A novel approach to selling books, it saw waiting as a chance to stimulate Thai's to read.
The idea was to 'Enjoy the wait' which offered Thais the chance to read more. Short stories were delivered in various mediums such as a dispenser, a mobile phone or even placemats, making any 'wait' an opportunity to read.
A Book queue up tickets offered a short synopsis of new books for people to read while they were waiting. By sending the mobile numbers of those who were waiting to 4986, A Book will send them an SMS short story. Even placemats with open book design, stickers and computer widgets consisted of short stories to read while 'enjoying the wait'.
Since the launch of campaign, the publisher has seen a rise in sales by 25 per cent in just two months' time including a new target group of those who never enjoyed reading before.