An entry kit (PDF) is available now at caples.org, and entries will be accepted in more than 25 categories until September 5. Judging will take place November 11 and 12 in New York. Judges, entrants, and other top creatives and marketers will fete the winners at the Caples Reveal on the evening of November 12 in New York.
The awards programme has a strong focus on courageous creative. The Caples jury comprises nearly 50 top creative directors from leading digital and direct agencies around the globe.
“You know you’ve seen good work when what you see makes you jealous and wish you’d had the idea first,” says Caples Committee Chair Gary Scheiner. “That’s the kind of work we see every year at Caples.”
Caples Best in Show in 2013, was “Driving Dogs,” by Draftfcb Auckland for SPCA and New Zealand MINI. Proving that rescue dogs are as smart as pure breeds by teaching several of them to drive a car and then videotaping them in action, the SPCA generated massive social reach: 1 billion people in total, including 70 million via Twitter, 18,000 via Facebook, and 10 million via YouTube at the time of Caples judging. The campaign sparked an uptick in adoptions—in fact, every SPCA dog awaiting adoption at that time was adopted by the end of the campaign—and a 160 per cent sales increase for MINI.
Formerly known as the The John Caples International Awards, Caples is an awards programme and creative summit that honours the best in digital, direct and interactive marketing from around the world. Caples is owned and managed by Direct Marketing News, a brand of Haymarket Media (Campaign Asia-Pacific's parent company) and the independent authority for digital and direct marketers. Caples was originally founded in 1978 by Andi Emerson, a direct marketing pioneer, in honour of famed copywriter and direct marketer, John Caples.