Emily Tan
Sep 25, 2014

Best of #SpikesAsia: Day 3

So a little blue bird tells us that quite a few of you got boozed up, tattooed and shanghaied by the Dread Pirate J. Walter Thompson last night. So as we begin today's best-of-Twitter festivities, we'll try to chirp quietly until the coffee and painkillers set in.

Best of #SpikesAsia: Day 3

Perhaps there were other parties after the piratey knees-up, but you were apparently rained out, or too rummed up to hashtag straight. We'll check under #SpikAsia and #SpkieAisa to be sure. 

To you help recall where you are, here's all our coverage of Spikes Asia 2014

Before everyone ran off to get plastered, yesterday's (slightly) more sober tweets indicated that most of you were taken by Evidently's talk on children's bedtime stories, the concept of Perf*cktion and disappointment over Indy Saha's assurances that Google doesn't spend all its time sitting around on beanbags playing guitars. 

Remember none of this? Here's a refresher. 

Now, to provide some additional motivation to your tweeting today, we've decided to give the person who we abitrarily declare champion of #SpikesAsia for today (with no authority whatsoever, and we really hope the Spikes people don't get upset about this) an utterly virtual shiny spikey gold trophy. This one in fact:


This is one way of saying it


And this is another

Perhaps they could use more Creativity in a Can?

Some mutual speaker lovin going on here

I'm... so... roooneeeryyyyyy....

(Thanks for comforting our man on the ground Ogilvy)


Amir Kassaei dredges up this old, but for SpikesAsia still catchy, chestnut.
Seriously people this has been said ALMOST as much as "content is king"
Meow indeed!

Notice that no one's going to bother dragging it

Nicely put!

David Mayo brings a ray of Cannes sunshine to Suntec
This is so cool, we had to go the extra mile and embed it.
Also, this is why we leave you alone and bored. =P 



Now, on to the pictures from last night. *rubs hands in glee*



And now a reminder from Ogilvy as to the true importance of Spikes 



@HavasCafeSIN @CampaignAsia “I saw someone from Publicis go home with someone from Omnicom last night. Ironic really.” #SpikesAsia #WeMetOnTinder


What is this 'pen' you speak of?

*Future waves back with embarassing enthusiasm* 

Because in the future, everyone will hold agency hands

Ouch! That stings!
@stefanoaugello There's something wrong if at an award event of an industry designed to help clients make money half of the work is non-profit #SpikesAsia

Wait wait. You're telling me I could get paid to do this? Shut the front door!
I mean, really, would your mom call this work?

When was the last time black was the new black again?

The importance of practicing what you preach

Like this (See what we did there?)

We are a woefully unoriginal species. #weepforhumanity

Who gives a jack?

Cue horror music *ching ching ching ching*


Because if it's not actually booze, it should be helping people get to booze


Campaign Asia

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