Air New Zealand pipped last year's top ranked corporate identity, New Zealand Post, in the second annual corporate reputation rankings by research consultancy AMR. The reserach ranked 60 New Zealand-based organisations against the public perceptions of seven criteria: products, governance, innovation, workplace, leadership, citizenship, and financial performance.
For Air New Zealand, it was the products and citizenship criteria that helped make it stand out. Oliver Freedman, reputation practice director for AMR, told Campaign Asia-Pacific the airline's 'cuddle class' options, allowing couples to transfer two full price seats into a couch-style arrangement, was high in many consumers' minds during the survey. "There was also significant improvements in citizenship," Freedman said.
He pointed out that the airline was noticed for its compassionate airfares and other assistance during the two earthquakes that have hit Christchurch over the past year. It also provided counseling for families affected by the Pike River mine explosion.
"It was interesting to see the impact of 'events' on perceptions and reputations," Freedman commented, noting that one brand, Fonterra, had suffered a downgrade based on a domestic debate about the fair price of milk in New Zealand,