When was the last time you were inspired?
When was the last time you stopped breathing?
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Figure out where I am.
What’s your favourite word?
What’s your favourite song lyric?
"If you should ever track me down I will surrender there and I will leave with you one broken man whom I will teach you to repair."
Sex, drugs or rock and roll?
Ad you’re most ashamed of?
He was not born to shame. Upon his brow shame is ashamed to sit; for 'tis a throne where honor may be crowned sole monarch of the universal earth.
Ad you wish you’d made?
Ikea Lamp
Gadget you couldn’t live without?
EncephalonentophicIntelligious Majoras
Worst haircut you’ve ever had?
I am as bad as my last haircut.
The world ends in one hour. What do you do?
Smash the clock and continue living.
If you had a trained monkey, what would you make it do?
Oh, this is the monkey writing...
What do you wear in bed?
A grin