Benjamin Li
Mar 9, 2010

ZenithOptimedia tipped to win US$10 million Reckitt Benckiser media account in China

BEIJING - ZenithOptimedia is set to win Reckitt Benckiser's media account in China, after a head-to-head pitch with MPG.

ZenithOptimedia tipped to win US$10 million Reckitt Benckiser media account in China
The account is said to be worth US$10 million, according to sources close to the pitch. The sources indicated that the account the client has already assigned the March and April TV and online media booking duties to ZenithOptimedia. 

The client is understood to be in discussions with the agency about the terms and conditions of the contract.

The incumbent agency for the Chinese market, OMD, confirmed with Media that they were not part of the pitch.

OMD won Reckitt Benckiser’s media account last April and resigned the account in January this year prior to its contract coming to an end in February. 

Last November, Reckitt Benckiser split its Asia-Pacific media planning and buying arrangements between MPG and ZenithOptimedia as part of a global review.  ZenithOptimedia won the UK, US, German and Northern European markets, with MPG handling the business outside of these markets. China was not included in the review.

Reckitt Benckiser manages Dettol, Veet, Finish, Cillit Bang and Dosia in the Chinese market.

In 2008, Reckitt Benckiser increased its media spend by 26 per cent to $1.3 billion and grew its revenue by 25 per  cent.
Campaign China

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