The premise - similar to other ‘Best Job in the World’ - esque campaigns - is to search for three bloggers who will blog their way through a Seoul vacation. On these bloggers will be given a laundry list of activities they’ll have to fulfill on their journeys, with free accommodations and expenses provided. The catch? Bloggers must videotape, photograph and write about their every experience.
Interested parties can submit their profiles and arguments of why they deserve to participate. Two spots are still open as blogger Brenden Ross was pre-selected as the first participant, beginning his trip in four days.
“We saw an opportunity to tap into a massive user base of hyper-attentive individuals in the blogging and micro-blogging space,” said wwwins Hong Kong’s strategic planning director Brandon Cheung. “We knew that if we proposed the right value exchange to these potential travelers, in this case a free trip to Seoul for their time, energy, and brief moment of fame, the response from the community would naturally come. “
The campaign will run till January next year.
Project Sell Your Seoul
Client Seoul Metropolitan Government
Creative agency Isobar_wwwins Consulting Hong Kong
Strategic planning director Brandon Cheung
Creative director Dwayne Serjeant
Art director Jim Fong
Senior information architect Harry Llufrio
Scripting director Gemma Yung
Senior web developer Jeffery To
Software development manager Alex Wu
Group account manager Edward Williams
Project manager Siauyiun Thien
Exposure Online