virginia ng

Jun 3, 2013

KFC launches breakfast campaign to introduce new product

SINGAPORE - Quick-service restaurant KFC has launched a campaign to promote its new product, Fish Ole, as an alternate breakfast choice for its customers, through Grey Singapore.

May 23, 2013

Hearty burp tempts busy workers to take a KFC 'Snackers' break

SINGAPORE - KFC has launched a campaign called “Snackers time”, in which a loud belch interrupts a busy office scene, initiating a fun snack break.

Apr 10, 2012

KFC Singapore invites commuters to peel fried chicken off the wall

SINGAPORE - KFC Singapore has launched an out-of-home campaign at MRT stations and interchange for commuters to peel a fried drumstick off the wall, to celebrate its 35th anniversary.

Feb 15, 2012

KFC Singapore launches youth-targeted campaign for its new Snackers

SINGAPORE - KFC Singapore has launched a campaign, with the tagline 'So many Snackers, so much fun', for the new addition to its Snackers range, ‘Fish Donuts’.

May 26, 2011

KFC Singapore campaign ties in with Transformers sequel

SINGAPORE - KFC Singapore has rolled out a new multi-platform campaign as part of its tie-up with United International Pictures to promote the upcoming movie 'Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon' with its new KFC Boxmaster meals.

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