spot survey

Jun 2, 2022

What is the biggest enemy of creativity?

GLOBAL SPOT SURVEY: Campaign wants to know from readers worldwide which issue affects creativity the most. The results will be explored in an upcoming global series.

Mar 21, 2022

Why are NFTs so divisive?

The emerging technology has polarised the industry, which tech experts attribute to a poor understanding of Web3. Three agency leaders unpack criticisms of NFTs, and suggest moving from 'fads' to long-term innovation planning.

Mar 7, 2022

Campaign asks: Are NFTs innovative or an overhyped fad?

SPOT SURVEY: Enthusiasts believe NFTs present "endless possibilities" for brands, but critics view the unique tokens as a "passing trend". Where do you stand?

Jan 26, 2022

Campaign asks: How comfortable are you working on fossil-fuel accounts?

SPOT SURVEY: Agency talent are increasingly vocal about working on ‘problematic’ accounts. But do they feel safe speaking up? Do agencies give employees a choice? We’d like to hear from you.

Nov 1, 2021

Red light, green light: Did Netflix go too far with this Squid Game promotion?

SPOT SURVEY: A giant doll aside the Sydney harbour evoked an outcry from some parents. But where does a brand's responsibility end, and where does a parent's begin? We want to hear your thoughts on this issue.

Aug 23, 2021

'Unfair' and 'demotivating': APAC adland not enthusiastic about location-adjusted salaries

SPOT SURVEY RESULTS: Most in the industry believe location-adjusted salaries do not take into account the financial and productivity benefits that companies reap from remote workers. Nearly a third of Campaign survey respondents who work in the industry said such policies would drive them out of their companies.

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