
Jun 18, 2019

What's Lovot got to do...Meet the robot powered by love

The head of stories at R/GA, the agency that's worked for the last 18 months with the founders of Lovot, an adorable robot designed to make people "truly happy" and decrease loneliness, explains the power of this "emotional technology".

Feb 26, 2018

Are robots ready for action in MICE?

Actual robots might not be ready for use by MICE professionals quite yet, but software-based bots and mobile concierge services are ready to provide immediate value

May 11, 2017

Taxing robots

How will society cope with the AI driven jobs revolution?

Sep 21, 2015

SoftBank sees major potential for data collection via android

One of the delegates that drew the most attention at Spikes Asia this year was Pepper, an apparently friendly robot developed by Japanese telco SoftBank. With robotics and artificial intelligence growing themes in marketing, we spoke to the people behind Pepper about how it aligns with the brand’s objectives.

Sep 18, 2012

Guinness promotes Arthur's Day in Singapore with a robotic painter

SINGAPORE - In the lead up to Singapore's first Arthur's Day celebration concert on 28 September, Guinness is tantalising locals with a co-created painting executed via fans on Facebook and a robot painter.

May 31, 2011

CASE STUDY: How a trailblazing robot helped build a battery brand

In partnership with Hakuhodo, Panasonic set out to improve awareness of its rechargeable Evolta batteries in Japan, taking a big risk to generate in excess of US$10 million worth of publicity.

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