customer loyalty
Take a peak: How marketers can turn digital noise into lasting loyalty
In an attention-starved and price-sensitive market, brands are battling for fleeting consumer focus. NP Digital's Neil Patel shares how leveraging emotional resonance through the 'peak-end rule' can create powerful moments that stick.
Why most brands fail at building true loyalty
Loyalty programmes and actual loyalty are two different things. Rapp’s strategy director comes in with suggestions on how to create actual customer loyalty beyond buy-one-get-one-free schemes.
What drives customer loyalty in challenging economic times?
In spite of the economic slowdown, HubSpot's Dan Bognar says companies of all shapes and sizes will need to answer this key question: What keeps customers loyal to a brand?
Five steps for brands to rethink customer loyalty
Despite an existential crisis for the field, a report from Ogilvy suggests key ways for brands to rethink their efforts in this field.
Dairy Farm launches Hong Kong customer rewards offering 'Yuu'
M&C Saatchi Spencer helps launch the service involving over 2,000 outlets as the pan-Asian retailer ramps up digital initiatives.
Ogilvy & Mather launches Orbit rewards for Bank Alfalah
A new campaign by Bank Alfalah aims to gamify the purchase reward points experience while bridging the relationship with customers.
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