
Jul 23, 2024

Google reverses plan to eliminate cookies from Chrome

In a surprising turn of events, Google says it is now 'proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice' instead of removing cookies entirely from Chrome.

Jun 8, 2024

Navigating the cookieless future: Insights from industry leaders

Although cookie deprecation on Chrome has been delayed yet again, more and more industry experts are urging the 75% of marketers still relying on third-party cookies to make the change to first-party data.

Jan 27, 2022

Is Topics too basic?

Google Chrome's new proposed cookie alternative may be favoured by consumers and regulators, but appears to offer significantly reduced value for advertisers, according to early reactions from adtech experts.

Jul 1, 2021

Google's cookie stay of execution changes nothing

The delay wasn’t a surprise, so can we get on with industry evolution now?

Jun 25, 2021

Chrome cookie extension: What’s the implication for APAC marketers?

Five adtech and agency experts from across Asia-Pacific discuss how an extension to the deprecation of third-party cookies will alter solutions in APAC, whether it will kill momentum, and whether the industry will be ready by 2023.

Jun 25, 2021

Google Chrome to extend support for third-party cookies until 2023: Adtech pros react

In a blog post, Google said it had become clear that "more time is needed across the ecosystem to get this right".