The nine Asian agencies are: Arkr (China), Dentsu Razorfish (Japan), Gozoop (India), Reborn (Australia), Soap Creative (Australia), SociaLab (China), Teein (China), 22feet Tribal Worldwide (India) and Vocanic (Singapore).
Below you'll find details on the APAC-based agencies, with a case writeup from the report for each one (this information, and the full global list of agencies, is available on the Social 40 website).
The 65-page full report (available for download) also contains an overview of the past and future evolution of social media; a discussion of who owns social, including principles for making a business social and details on how four leading brands (Mondelez, Samsung, Coca-Cola and McDonald's) handle social; and advice on measuring social success.
Headquarters: Shanghai
Other Offices: Guangzhou
Year founded: 2009
Headcount: 140
Ownership: Leo Group
Case study: 'Pump it Forward' for Johnson's Baby
With no adequate spaces designated for new mothers to pump breast milk, many Chinese women hide in office restrooms or conference rooms. Arkr Group partnered with Johnson’s Baby to raise awareness of breast-feeding and provide nursing rooms for work-and-pump moms. By creating a reusable tag featuring the Johnson’s Baby logo that moms could attach to any door as a nursing room sign, Arkr Group was able to directly link the plight of nursing mothers to the brand without actually having any of the company’s products featured as a focal point. The campaign proved to be a huge success, with 208 million people reached, 1.8 million video views, and a 120 per cent increase in Weibo followers.
Dentsu Razorfish
Headquarters: Tokyo
Other Offices: Osaka
Year founded: 2001
Headcount: Over 200
Ownership: Dentsu
Case study: Helping Japan Airlines take off
With a huge quantity of fans on Facebook, the key assignment for Japan Airlines (JAL) is to revive the highly engaged fans from their static page posts. The agency led the content production and planning project in response to the assignment. Dentsu Razorfish conducted a lot of research with the best customers to understand the needs and tailor make a response. The final result showed that the new page posts by the agency have achieved higher number of actions and interactions compared to previous posts produced by JAL.
Headquarters: Mumbai
Other Offices: Dubai, Singapore, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai
Year founded: 2010
Headcount: 125
Ownership: Gozoop Online
Case study: Making a cricket team famous
Discovery Channel's fans and followers showed a deeper interest in TV shows that they aired. To convert the TV viewers into online fans, Gozoop launched a 17-day campaign for Discovery Channel in which fans could engage with the show's characters through Facebook & Twitter. There was an excellent response to behind the scenes & relaying content about the shows; thus Discovery decided to extensively promote 'Living with KKR' on Social Media. Moreover, Kolkata Knight Riders(KKR) was a perfect blend of Bollywood & Cricket - Two things that are worshiped in India. The campaign generated over 152K new fans, 10K tweets & 235K video views for Discovery Channel.
Headquarters: Sydney
Other Offices: Melbourne
Year founded: 2008
Headcount: 40
Case study: The naked espresso
Breville’s newly launched BES900 espresso machine is the only domestic dual boiler on the market giving everyday consumers the ability to achieve cafe grade results. Reborn developed a highly integrated campaign that drove consumers to truly appreciate the difference between normal coffee machines and this one. It was a highly connected campaign through Facebook, Twitter, Online videos and instore activation. Results are confidential, but the Breville team has spoken to campaign success.
Soap Creative
Headquarters: Sydney
Year founded: 2002
Headcount: 50
Case study: FOXTEL 100 Days of Summer
Foxtel, the local cable network in Australia, wanted an idea to promote 100 days of summer. The agency took the campaign title literally and every day during summer, they rewarded the FOXTEL fans with hot content and exclusive prizes. High-performing content types were added into a higher rotation. At the end of the 100 days, FOXTEL ended up with over 120,000 fans with positive sentiment outweighing the negative by a ratio of 10:1. Key learnings from the campaign are to be implemented and shared with other owned and operated channel profiles.
Other Offices: Shanghai, Chengdu
Year founded: 2012
Headcount: 113
Durex is popular with those who use condoms, but its sex toys are barely known in China. The goal was to drive awareness about the Durex Vibe product. The agency created a live show “Travel with Love” in which one couple travelled across five major cities in China, exchanging all they needed during the trip with their only belongings - Durex Vibes. The Chinese are too shy to talk about sex, but they are always happy to help others. The successful trade-ups gained huge attention. Altogether, the campaign inspired 220,000 social media posts, making #TravelWithLove a trending topic on Sina Weibo, along with 3,596,919 video views, and 285,064,698 impressions across social networking sites, online media and TV.
Other offices: Guangzhou, Beijing
Year founded: 2004
Headcount: 170
Ownership: WPP
22feet Tribal Worldwide
Headquarters: Bangalore
Other Offices: Mumbai, Delhi
Year founded: 2009
Headcount: 135
Ownership: Omnicom
Case study: A new way to drink beer
The Kingfisher Headbang Triggered Beer Dispenser was created for Kingfisher – one of the leading beer brands in India – to engage with rock fans at India’s largest beer & music festival - The Great Indian October Fest. The technology involved 2 mobile phones connected via Bluetooth. One mobile phone was embedded in the vending machine to trigger the release of the beer can while the other was placed in a customized helmet that users could wear. When a user started head banging, the accelerometer of the mobile phone calculated the number of head bangs and via Bluetooth triggered release of cans from the machine. The frequency of release was preset basis testing done by the brand.
Headquarters: Singapore
Other Offices: Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Colombo
Year founded: 2005
Headcount: 145
Ownership: WPP
Case study: Building loyalty for Hennessy
This campaign’s goal was to reintroduce fans to Hennessy by making it top of mind and encouraging fans to try the product. Socializing Hennessy’s calendar of events throughout the year included using RFID technology to make each event more interactive by connecting consumers’ social profiles to check-in stations at the event. This helped spread brand awareness via respective fan social networks. Ongoing fan engagement included the Mu Hennessy facebook application that encouraged fans to perform Social Tasks such as sharing, RT-ing and inviting friends in order to earn points that could be redeemed for prizes. The launch of Hennessy Embassy social loyalty program gave fans exclusive privileges to all things Hennessy, encouraging them to sign up.