The reappointment marks the third consecutive year of partnership between Blugrapes and AkzoNobel. The agency has been working with Dulux on the digital front since 2009, providing strategic counsel, social media management expertise and application development solutions.
“We are extremely glad to be continuing our partnership with Dulux. We see great opportunities in using social media to personify and embody Dulux’s new brand identity, with a focus on lifestyle decoration and the transformative power of colour,” Ryan Lim, business director at Blugrapes, said. “As social media becomes less about contests and more about content, we’re excited to be involved in planning an engaging and sustainable year-long social media strategy for Dulux.”
Dulux recently launched its new brand identity with a new ‘Flourish’ logo, representing its mission of ‘Adding colour to people’s lives’ and linking to its global call for action - 'Let’s colour'.
Josephine Lee, head of marketing at AkzoNobel Decorative Paints Singapore, added, “Reappointing Blugrapes as our social media agency comes as a natural choice. Having worked with them for the past three years, they have provided valuable and strategic insight on engaging social media campaigns.”