This campaign by the Australian government and BMF started two years ago ("The Australian government wants children to know about domestic violence"). It is depressingly just as necessary today.
As a believer in the power of words, Ad Nut appreciates the refinement of the approach in this latest work. There are certain monsters who will never be moved by a straightforward call to end violence against women. Better to focus on the next generation by encouraging well-meaning people to think about the unhealthy messages they may be giving to their sons and daughters.
This is the second campaign in recent memory to go after the words used to explain away abusive behaviour: see "In this campaign, there are literally no excuses for abuse". Ad Nut devoutly hopes they will make an impact.
Creative Agency: BMF
Executive Creative Director: Alex Derwin, Cam Blackley
Deputy Executive Creative Director: Jen Speirs
Senior Art Director: Nadia Ahmad
Senior Copywriter: James Sexton
Head of Planning: Hugh Munro
Planner: Emily Field
Managing Director: Stephen McArdle
Group Account Director: Emma McJury
Senior Account Manager: Victoria Venardos
Account Executive: Adam Reeves
Agency Producer: Claire Seffrin
Director: Steve Rogers
Production Company: Revolver/ Will O’Rourke
Director: Steve Rogers
Executive Producer: Pip Smart
Post Production: ARC Edit
Editor: Pete Sciberras
Sound Production: Rumble Studios
DOP: Geoffrey Simpson
Photographer: Derek Henderson
Art Buyer: Basir Salleh
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