Ad Nut's legions of longtime followers know Ad Nut's opinion on dogs: They are murderous beasts.
That said, people seem to like them, so they keep showing up in advertising. Ad Nut gets it. Even so, this disgusting new campaign for doggie dental hygiene sticks (who knew?) is a bit much for Ad Nut to stomach.
Oh, your pooch has bad breath? Guess why: Because it spent the afternoon murdering innocent woodland creatures and then eating its own vomit!
Sorry...Ad Nut gets a little emotional about this. Professionally speaking, these are fine ads, shot by award-winning photographer Andreas Bommert and featuring some fine performances by the humans pretending to enjoy their tongue baths. Shudder.
And if the product takes off, at least Ad Nut can rest assured that when a carnivorous canine is about to rend Ad Nut into a bloody pulp, it will have fresh breath and be free of plaque.
Creative Director: Marcus Tesoriero
Art Director: Charles Grant
Copywriter: Marcus Tesoriero
Head of Design: Mark Clayton
Design: Carlie Smith
Director of Strategy: Angela Smith
Head of Business Management: Cheyne Oxford
Business Manager: Annalise McDonnell
Business Executive: Thomas Smyth
Photographer: Andreas Bommert
Producer: Grant Navin