The agency confirmed the news to Campaign Asia this morning, noting that there is not yet a replacement for the role.
“TH has demonstrated resilience and determination over the many years with the company," said Nick Brien, chairman and CEO. “(He) was instrumental in building our network of agencies across the region and helping to establish McCann Worldgroup as one of the leading marketing solutions businesses within Greater China. His enthusiasm for the creative product and passion for the marketing business has been tremendous and he will be missed.
“We thank him for his committed leadership and invaluable contribution to developing the important Greater China market into one of our most impressive markets, both in terms of product excellence and strategic innovation."
Other colleagues appeared to be both surprised and saddened by the departure. One undisclosed source at the agency said the agency had lost an important asset. “It was shocking to hear the news last night," they said. “In my mind TH is ‘a man of chivalry’. Whenever we faced any difficulty or challenge, he would be the first person to jump out to help us. He is a hero as as well as mischievous kid which makes him very lovable; he is very passionate and an outstanding ad man."
Another former McCann colleague commented that TH was a “great leader” of the McCann network. “I am always impressed by his great passion towards the industry and people.”
Campaign Asia contacted Peng but he said he was under a legal binding and could not make any comments. He said his new job would remain in Greater China.