Staff Reporters
Nov 24, 2010

Q&A: McCann Worldgroup's Dave McCaughan

Dave McCaughan, director of strategic planning for Asia-Pacific at McCann Worldgroup, on how he got into advertising by accident.

Dave McCaughan, director of strategic planning APAC, McCann Worldgroup
Dave McCaughan, director of strategic planning APAC, McCann Worldgroup

How did you get into the industry?
By accident. In 1986, I applied for an unbranded classified in the Sydney Morning Herald that asked for someone “Who could explain Australians to an American company with five Australian offices, to call Amanda.” Turned out to be McCann and I have been with company ever since.
What was your first ever job?
Hand capping yoghurt jars.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? 
Being linguistically challenged.
On what occasion do you lie? 
When people ask me if Mad Men really represents our industry… I say no.
Name one thing about yourself that few people know.
I am actually a huge student of the impact of technology on history… Come hear my history of men’s underwear lecture some time.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? 
“Don’t say consumers, say people.”
What’s your most evocative childhood memory?
At seven when my mother explained that if I did not become a Tottenham Hotspurs fan, I had to leave home… Never regretted saying yes.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Personal: See below.
Work: Convincing some people to stop using the word consumer and focus on people.
What makes you happy?
Time with my teenage children Siobhan and Alex.
What is the most interesting place you have ever been?
Polonnaruwa… Look it up.

What is the last book you read? 
Worldly goods: A new history of the renaisance by Lisa Jardine
When did you last cry and why?
Truth is I get a lump in my throat watching movies all the time.
What is your greatest regret?
Being in a different country when both my parents passed away.
If you can spend one day with a celebrity/ historical figure, who would it be?
George Best. But a day with him would probably destroy my liver.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Ooooh don’t go there.

Describe your typical day?
You mean when I am in my Tokyo office?

  1. In the office at 7.15am… Coffee at 8.00 with Ohki-san
  2. Debating implications of Asia/ Japan today with creative and planning teams
  3. Lunch at Piadina Café, reading online reports about people trends in Asia/ Japan 
  4. Debating implications of Asia/ Japan with clients 
  5. Try to leave office by 8pm and always watch at least three hours of TV a day 

What is your definition of success? (question supplied by Ogilvy & Mather China's Shenan Chuang)
When i worked as a butler in Rome, I learned that a good servant judges success by never being asked a question by his master… A goal I strive for and fail regularly.

Can you suggest a question for our next Q&A candidate?
What is the one campaign you wish you had not made?

Campaign Asia

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