Aug 24, 2009

adidas | Double-Double Tour | China

NBA stars Dwight Howard and Derrick Rose have dropped into China for an online promotion of adidas' Double-Double Tour.

As part of the global Brotherhood campaign that started last autumn, adidas has this time invited fifty young basketball-ers to help establish the Brotherhood Center in Shanghai.
Since their touchdown in China, Howard and Derrick have personally contacted fans through SMS messages and blogs to talk about their experiences in the country, along with photographs and videos.
The online contents are also supported by Chinese social media and online platform Youku, Sohu and
“Through his own digital obsession and dynamic personality, we set out together with Dwight to raise the bar for fan interaction by changing consumer relations with the largest basketball fan base in the world,” said Ryan Morlan, global director of basketball communications of adidas. Howard has also set up one-on-one in real-time with fans through the adidas website.
Throughout the event, adidas has given out ‘brotherhood passports’ to outstanding players in high school and universities that participated in the D-D Tour. People with the passports will gain access to adidas’ basketball events and access to the Brotherhood Center.

Project Double Double Tour
Client adidas China
Creative agency OgilvyOne Shanghai
Executive creative directors Natalie Lam
Associate creative directors Allen Lee, Marcus Zhu
Art directors Beck Yang, Benjamin Guan
Designer Patrick Lin
Motion/video Bright Yu
Copywriter Xu Duo
Associate account director Lizzy Yao
Account executive Eric Tian
Agency producer Fred Chin
Media agency wwwins Consultanting
Production company Shanghai Fantasy Studio
Exposure Online, events

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